“Dona brings imagination, thoughtfulness and energy into every workshop she hosts. Dona has a special magic. She gives clients what they need, while also injecting elements that surprise and elevate groups and individuals to a place they did not know was important. I have no doubt clients will thoroughly adore working with Dona, and you will come back time and again, as very few offer the skill, knowledge and quality that she does.”
“If you want to engage your audience in a true and honest dialogue, it’s Dona! If you want to see people who were silent, or even skeptical vis à vis the discussions, magically begin to smile, dance and raise their voices, it’s Dona! If you need after-lunch energizers, that not only wake everyone up, but connect and inspire people, it’s Dona!”
Shocking? Maybe. Though most people do their best to run effective meetings, sometimes investing time in delivering a "wow" meeting is not their priority, or they may lack the necessary tools. Some even feel that deviating from ‘how things normally get done’ in their organization is just too risky. The matter of fact is when people are not fully engaged in the information you are offering or asking them to contribute to, you have immediately lost their potential and brainpower, especially when you need to make a collective decision.
Meeting design and facilitation
Facilitation training (groups)
One-on-one facilitation coaching (in person or virtual)
Public workshops
Project assessments, report writing and visual design
GIZ - by Creation 9
I am a trained facilitator with years of international experience, who thrives at the opportunity to incorporate dynamic processes with subject matter content and knowledge to make your meetings highly interactive, effective and outcome-oriented. My mission is to maximize the impact of your gatherings, while making them enjoyable. If we don't have fun, we don't get work done. I discuss the purpose of your meeting with you, and I design and aid you in facilitating a process that will transform your gathering from “just another conference”, or “just another meeting in today’s agenda”, to the highlight of the day for you and for the rest of the people you invited. My mission is to maximize the impact of collective wisdom.
Art of Hosting
Oasis Game
Cooperative Games
Non-violent Communications
System & Design Thinking
… and more.
“I am nothing short of amazed every time I have the joy of witnessing Dona facilitate. She brings to every experience a blend of depth and fun, wisdom and lightheartedness, hard work and play. Her revolutionary personality and inquisitive mind will challenge and question existing structures, until something new, innovative, and magical is born. I truly believe that facilitating groups through life-changing processes runs in her blood.”
“Working with Dona was for me a real pleasure. What I liked the most were her sense of commitment & integrity. She does what she says she would do and even more. I appreciated the lightness and sense of spirituality she brings to the table. Working with her always flows, because she inspires fun and cooperation in what she does. ”
The Art of Hosting is an approach to leadership that scales up from the personal to systemic using personal practice, dialogue, facilitation and the co-creation of innovation to address complex challenges. Learn more about Art of Hosting.
These are some Art of Hosting Techniques I work with:
Appreciative Inquiry
Circle Practice
World Café
Pro-action Café
Open Space
Theory of Change
Chaordic Process
The only way to make sense out of change is to plunge into it, move with it, and join the dance - Alan Watts.
Nonviolent Communication (NVC) is a communication process developed by Marshall Rosenberg beginning in the 1960s. NVC assumes that we all share the same, basic human needs, and that each of our actions (especially in moments of tension or conflict) are a strategy to meet one or more of these needs. Once the needs are identified, communication is clearer. Practicing NVC is effective in conflict resolution. It leads to authentic communication that results in a deeper connection and increased understanding of the self and other. Learn more about NVC.
OASIS Game is an innovative tool developed in Brasil by Instituto Elos and is based on the 7-step Elos Philosophy. Focused on mobilizing a community to realize a collective ‘dream’, this process harnesses a positive relationship between community members and third parties working with the community. It allows space for action to emerge from within the community - by community members focusing on identifying collective needs and designing the solution themselves (transcending the habitual practice of only identifying problems and overcoming dependency). Both the OASIS Game or the Elos Philosophy can be applied within organisations. Learn more about OASIS Game.
Cooperative Games promote individual and team success through group interaction. They are fun to play and include all as players, regardless of age, size, or ability level. They focus on collaboration not competition and the end goal is for everyone to be a winner.
• Cooperation
• Acceptance
• Involvement
Dragon Dreaming is a playful and meaningful method for assisting individuals and groups who seek to turn their individual dreams into collective dreams. It offers different tools, tips, and techniques that can be added to improve the effectiveness of existing work and invite the support and collaboration of others. Learn more about Dragon Dreaming here.